About Chuck and Eileen Rife

Chuck Rife is a licensed professional counselor and marriage/family therapist who's worked with Total Life Counseling, Inc. of Roanoke, Virginia since 1988. Eileen Rife, a veteran homeschool mom of twenty years, works as a freelance writer, author, and speaker. Together, they conduct marriage seminars designed to grow godly marriages that last a lifetime! Chuck and Eileen are also certified to administer and evaluate the Prepare-Enrich assessment tool for couples.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

10 Reasons to Divorce Your Spouse



Ten reasons to divorce your spouse, and all of them valid. A million reasons for God to condemn us to hell, and all of them valid.

            Nasty looks and ill-chosen words, and yet God instructs us to build up one another (Ephesians 4:29).

            Lies and more lies, and yet God asks us to seek the truth (Ephesians 4:25; 1 Corinthians 13:6).

            Outbursts of anger (Ephesians 4:26-27).

            Petty irritations that make our skin crawl, yet God asks us to be patient (1 Corinthians 13:4).

            A boastful, “can-do-no-wrong” attitude, yet God asks us to be humble (1 Corinthians 13:4). 

            A selfish, me-first attitude, yet God asks us to pay attention to the interests of the other person (1 Corinthians 13:5; Philippians 2:3-4).

            Score-keeping with the big “you owe me” attitude, yet God asks us to love without thought of return (1 Corinthians 13:5).

            Lack of integrity with finances and other areas of life, yet God calls us to be trustworthy and to trust (1 Corinthians 13:7).

            Lack of respect and love for one another, yet God calls each to offer the other these two vital ingredients (Ephesians 5:33).

            Sexual indiscretions and unfaithfulness, yet God calls us to fidelity and forgiveness (Ephesians 4:32).


Ten reasons to divorce your spouse—harsh words, lies, anger, irritations, pride, selfishness, score-keeping, dishonesty, disrespect, lack of love, unfaithfulness—and we can all think of many more, yet God calls us to put on a heart of love, compassion, kindness, and forgiveness. How many marriages could be plucked from the ugly jaws of divorce if couples simply chose to put on Jesus in the midst of everyday living?

How many souls, justly condemned because of sin, have been saved from sin and hell, because God chose to love, to offer payment through the Lord Jesus Christ, for that sin? Yes, a million reasons for each of us to suffer the consequences of our sin, yet God in His mercy and grace made a way to redeem us from ourselves.


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